FAQ 102
What is Mahara?

Mahara is an e-portfolio, also known as a digital portfolio, that is accessed via Moodle.  This is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the web.  Evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks.  Mahara has been implemented at YSJ to allow you to collate evidence, reflect and develop.  You are in control of the content displayed and added to your e-portfolio space and therefore this tool facilitates independent learning.  Content and layout can be personalised to create multiple views which meet your specific, differing or changing requirements.

You can also use Mahara to demonstrate your learning, skills and development, and record your achievements over time to a selected audience.  If you think of Moodle as the formal, structured side of e-learning, then Mahara is the social, reflective side.