FAQ 110
What are Student Ambassadors?

Our Student Ambassadors are all current York St John University students, who are passionate about the University, higher education and want to share their knowledge with visitors and prospective students alike.  Student Ambassadors represent the University at both internal and external events, such as Open Days, Applicant Days, Decision Days, Higher Education Conventions, school/college visits and much more.  Working on behalf of Student Recruitment, Student Ambassadors ensure that visitors to the University receive a high quality and enjoyable experience. Often prospective students feel more comfortable talking to current students and can get a better feel of what it's really like to go to university from their peers.

Recruitment for Student Ambassadors usually takes place once a year, around October, and consists of an application and an interview stage.  Check the website at the start of the semester for more details on the person specification, hours and pay, along with the application form.

For more details on the Student Ambassador role please contact Student Recruitment on 01904 876956 or studentrecruitment@yorksj.ac.uk