FAQ 116
Are international students entitled to work?

Your ability to work in the UK depends on what kind of visa you hold.  Some students are also interested in staying in the UK to work after studies.

Tier 4 Students

Tier 4 students are permitted to work in the UK and the number of hours allowed is based on what kind of course you are studying.

Your visa should state exactly what your work entitlement is, but if you are unsure about anything then please ask the Visa & Compliance Team.  Please note: it is very important that you not work any more than your visa allows.  Working extra hours can have serious consequences and affect your immigration status in the UK.

Short Term Study Students

For students on short-term study visas, neither work nor volunteering is permitted.

Staying in the UK to work after studies

Most Tier 4 students will have a "wrap-up period" (extra weeks/months) at the end of their visas after their course finishes.  Students can spend this time looking for work in the UK and trying to find an employer who may be able to sponsor under the Tier 2 visa route. 

If you have any questions about your work entitlement or would like to speak to a Visa Advisor please e-mail visa@yorksj.ac.uk