FAQ 136
What happens if I don't attend my lectures or seminars?

During term time, you must attend University regularly and participate in all activities and assessments for your programme.  Persistent absence, neglect of work, or failure in assessment may lead to termination from your programme of study.  If you are absent through illness you must communicate this promptly, providing evidence from your GP if required.

If the University has reason to believe that you have not been attending, the School Administration Unit or your Academic Tutor will contact you to ascertain your intentions and remind you of your requirements to attend.  You may also be asked to attend a Case Consultation to discuss your attendance and what can be put in place to improve it.  If you still fail to attend or do not attend the case consultation, your School may then require you to attend a Standards Review meeting.

If you do not attend the Standards Review meeting or your absences amount to a withdrawal from your programme Registry will issue you a "Presumed Withdrawn" letter.  If you do not reply within the specified time period, you will be deemed to have withdrawn.