FAQ 294
My timetable isn't showing up or appears to be incomplete, what shall I do?

If your timetable is not showing up or appears to be incomplete then you may be trying to access your timetable before it has been fully completed.  Before viewing your timetable you must first be fully enrolled at the University.  If you have completed your enrollment within the last 24 hours and your timetable is still showing up blank, it may be that the system has not yet updated. 

If your timetable is still blank or appears to be missing modules after the start of your studies, please contact your School Administration Unit to ensure your student record is up to date.  Data from your student record needs to be correct before it can be transferred to our timetabling database.  During the optional module transfer period, the first 3 weeks of the semester, there may be a small delay before your timetable is updated with your new modules.

If you continue to experience problems please contact the Timetable Office on timetable@yorksj.ac.uk