FAQ 301
What are the approved teaching hours and do I get breaks?

The approved teaching hours for all undergraduate students are from 9.00am until 8.00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9.00am until 1.00pm on Wednesdays, and from 9.00am until 6.00pm on Fridays.

If you are studying a full time course, your lessons can take place at any time during the approved hours - we aim to minimise the number of occasions of late finishes followed by 9.00am starts the next day.

Postgraduate students may have some teaching up until 8.00pm on Wednesdays.

Both staff and students will not be allocated to any teaching session/s for any longer than 3 hours without a recognised resource break unless there is a special pedagogical reason for a session to take longer than 3 hours (e.g. an all-day field trip). In these circumstances, suitable breaks will still take place but not be formally timetabled.