FAQ 210
Will my University accommodation be inspected?

All students will have three room and flat/house inspections throughout the year and this is to check the general upkeep of both individual bedrooms and communal areas.  Inspections can be quite daunting if you don't know the procedure, but you will be sent an e-mail to inform you of the date the inspection will be carried out and there will be further preparation information along with it.

We ask that all communal areas and individual bedrooms rooms are tidy and we may ask you to strip your bed so that we can check the mattress, this also means that you will need to be out of the bed!

We would also recommend that you look back through your Student Accommodation Handbook for more information about accommodation do's and dont's.  Any banned items or breaches of this agreement could result in a fine and further disciplinary action could be taken.  For more information about breaches of your accommodation contract please download the Breaches of Accommodation Agreement document where you will find examples of contract breaches, information on disciplinary action and financial penalties.