FAQ 78
I'm feeling homesick, is this normal?

You may feel anxious because you have moved away from home and are separated from all that is familiar.  Being homesick is often a sign that you have happy, healthy relationships with people back at home and that you are missing these important people.  Remember that when you are feeling homesick you are more likely to see the negative in the new lifestyle.  Have a look at our Transition to University webpage to help you understand about the associated challenges when you start university.

It is really important to know that you are not the only one feeling homesick and that it doesn't in any way mean you are inadequate.  You have just moved from a relatively secure and small set of relationships to become an anonymous member of a six thousand plus community where you may feel that you know no one.  Many students coming to university feel homesick and don't know quite how to cope with the resulting emotions.  This is entirely normal and usually passes within the first few weeks or months.  Don't be too harsh on yourself for experiencing something that is completely normal.  In fact, by accepting that these feelings are normal you will usually feel better quicker.