FAQ 83
Where can I find support for victims of domestic violence?

According to the NHS Choices website domestic violence is officially classified as "any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between adults who are or have been in a relationship together, or between family members, regardless of gender or sexuality".

People think of domestic violence as hitting, slapping and beating, but it can also include emotional abuse as well as forced marriage and so-called "honour crimes".  It is abuse if your partner or a family member:

  • Threatens you
  • Shoves or pushes you
  • Makes you fear for your physical safety
  • Puts you down, or attempts to undermine your self-esteem
  • Controls you, for example by stopping you seeing your friends and family
  • Is jealous and possessive, such as being suspicious of your friendships and conversations
  • Frightens you
  • Forces you to do things you do not want to do

For further information, please visit the NHS Choices website.  For support, the Independent Domestic Abuse Service which is based in York is here to help you.  Alternatively, to access Welfare advice to discuss your situation in confidence, please arrange a Welfare appointment with one of our Welfare Advisors. This can be booked directly via our website.