FAQ 84
What can I do if I'm worried about someone else?

University life can be challenging.  The following information is designed to help you consider how best you can help a student you are worried about.  York St John provides a range of support services for students to access all year round.  We suggest you speak to the student concerned and encourage them to contact one of our trained professionals in the Wellbeing Team.  You could also refer them to our self help pages on the website.  It is also important that you look after yourself when supporting someone else.  If you are stressed you are not in a good position to help anyone properly.

Try following the ALCER steps below:

  • Actively listen - let the student know you have heard them, take them seriously, paraphrase what they have told you.
  • Clarify - reflect back to them their central vocal and feeling message. Ask open questions to ensure you have understood them.
  • Empowering - resist the temptation to solve their problem. You are trying to encourage them to take responsibility for their own help seeking.
  • Refer - them to people who are better placed to deal with their situation.

The Wellbeing Team also offers a range of support to students, visit their webpages to find out what they offer and how to access their support.